Self-Esteem Therapy in Minneapolis

You’ve wondered about this concept for years and have thought high self-esteem is what people are born with. Self-esteem working on self-respect, building confidence, learning how to set and keep boundaries that feel good to you.

You want to say, Self Care, Don’t Care!

When you’re feeling stressed and burnt out, there’s no time for yourself. Between work, life, school, relationships, and responsibilities, the emotional energy you pour into tasks is gone by the end of the day. You’ve scrolled and liked many self-care counseling posts or self-care activities to inspire you to feel better, but never actually do them. A natural giver, you wish you knew how to give time back to yourself and your needs. You’ve thought, “Is self-esteem counseling going to help my self-worth?” Several people in society are told what to do, rarely do we think about our boundaries, deservability, and self-care. It's never too late to build a better relationship with yourself and you’re ready to put your self-care and worth first, with self-esteem therapy in Minneapolis!

You want to learn how to live your best life!

You are sick of not putting your self-care, self-esteem, and self-worth first! Figuring out ways to manage and prioritize you is exactly what you want to change in self-esteem therapy. You want to feel confident in putting your foot down and saying no to others. You want a damn day to yourself to relax! You think, fuck if other people can do that in my life, why can’t I!

No Shame in Putting Yourself First!

You’re fucking ready to take that emotional energy you have constantly devoted to others and give to yourself! No more putting yourself last, this you stepping up to the plate and focusing on your relationship with yourself first. You’re READY to do it and seek self-esteem therapy in Minneapolis today!

How I work with you in therapy in Minneapolis on creating the best version of yourself…

I Jackie (She/Her) am a self-esteem therapist in Minneapolis who understands how hard it is to put yourself first, and you deserve to put yourself AT THE TOP of your to-do list. My approach to self-esteem therapy is being a human first & a therapist second. I understand that it can be difficult to love yourself, put your self-worth first, focus on self-care activities, and that’s exactly how I help you. I try to understand what the idea of loving yourself first feels like and how you can foster a better relationship with yourself. I incorporate Louise Hayes Love Yourself Heal Your Life Workbook, Deservability Concepts, and Affirmations into our sessions. We will go through Self Care Activities, Accomplishments, Planning You Time during the week, Practice Setting Boundaries and like Katherine Heigl in 27 Dresses, we’ll Practice Saying No with Assertiveness Training! I will listen to your story, which can help with your burnout, self-care, and creating the best version of yourself. I am interactive, I talk with my hands, highlight your strengths, & ask you what do you deserve in all areas of life!

How you’ll know self-esteem therapy in Minneapolis is working…

*You don’t question or feel guilty about taking time for yourself.

*You hold strong boundaries like a boss! 

*You feel confident in knowing what you deserve in life.

*You #TREATYOSELF! Seriously though, you don’t worry about this anymore!

*You know what your strengths are and how to use them in situations.

*You are able to take on anything life throws at you!

You Deserve This! Let’s get started on the best version of you in Therapy in Minneapolis today.

I see you! Ready to put yourself at the tippy top of that to-do list! Way to go, you got this!! Here’s what’s next, please call 507-571-2942 to set up a 15-minute consultation for self-esteem therapy in Minneapolis and see how I may be of help!

Let’s free you from shaming messages that have taken over scripts in your life. You are the boss of yourself and you do you at the end of the day!! If you are looking for help with Sex Therapy, Couples Therapy, & Self-Esteem, you can read more about how I can help on those pages. If you are seeking Sexual Wellness Coaching Services or Holistic Healing Services, click on those links! If you are a therapist in Minneapolis or outside of Minnesota and seeking Consultation Services, Pick Your Brain 1:1 Consultation, or a Speaker or Trainer for Your Next Workshop, I can help here too! Let’s get started on your Shameless Goals in Minneapolis, MN today!